School Policies & Dress Code

The following information will help to make you and your child/children’s year at Lake Arrowhead School of Dance (LASD) a time of pleasure and learning.

LASD is a School of Dance. Attendance to all classes are very important in the child’s development as a dancer. Each class follows a syllabus. Each dancer is placed in a class by their ability to perform the steps required for that class’s syllabus.

The Academic Year of LASD classes begins each year in August and ends in June on the Friday one week after Rim of the World Unified School District school year.


Prior to admission to any Academic Year classes all students must be registered with the school. A registration form is provided for your convenience on our website as well as at the school front desk. The current registration fee is $25 and must be submitted with the registration form. The registration fee is NOT refundable.


Tuition is based on 10 months of classes. We break down the yearly fee to 10 months of 4 week classes. All tuition payments are  auto charged on the 1st of every month. Due to the extra expenses in May and June for the Annual Spring Recital we are having your recital costume payment and recital fee collected in April .

School Closures / Holidays

LASD is open during Rim of the World Unified School District holidays, however, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Break, and Spring Break are the exception and are the only days the school will be closed. The school does not close for Rim of the World School District snow days. Scheduled classes will always take place unless you are notified directly by LASD personnel.

Spring Recital

LASD holds an annual Spring Recital in June. Ballet classes do not participate in this show. All other classes (electives) do participate. Your child’s participation in the Spring Recital is optional. A recital fee of $20.00 is required to participate. Costume costs will by your responsibility and can be up to $60.00 per costume. Depending upon the instructor’s choice of costume, it can also be considerably less. No costumes will be ordered without pre-payment. Tickets for the Spring Recital will be available for purchase on our website and at the studio front desk. There will be recital photography and a complete program DVD available as an optional purchase. We ask parents to participate by working backstage, assisting in the dressing rooms. All teachers begin preparation of their dance numbers in January. Class attendance must be consistent for the student to participate.


In the interest of keeping the consistency and flow of the class, we ask that you make every effort to avoid absences. Learning about dedication and commitment is a part of a child’s ballet training even at a very early age. However, children do get sick so we welcome and encourage students to make up any classes missed. If your dancer is injured please advise the front desk and adjustments will be made to your account.
Attendance in all the student’s registered classes is mandatory. Absence due to illness, injury or special circumstances may be excused upon receipt of a doctor’s report or parent/guardian’s telephone call. Appointments made with doctors, dentists, etc. are excusable. There will be no adjustments made to your bill for absences. Excused absences can be made up in a lower level class (unless given permission by the instructor to go to an upper level class). An excused absence must be made up within one month and an unexcused absence must be made up the same month of the class missed or the missed class will be forfeited. Scholarship students with three absences not excused may have their scholarships revoked.


If injured, the student is to submit a report from the attending physician describing a) the injury and prognosis regarding recovery time; b) the program of therapy for recovery; and c) certification of completion of the prescribed therapy. Application for tuition adjustment (accompanied by a doctor’s certificate) may be considered for illness or injury if absence is more than ten days.

Note: Scholarship students who are injured are expected to observe classes from which they are excused. Failure to do so may result in revocation of the scholarship.


In the event of withdrawal, adult students, parents or guardians are to notify Lake Arrowhead School of Dance in writing or in person. Please inform the front desk if your child is dropping so that your auto pay can be cancelled. Once classes for that month have begun, tuition is non-refundable. Application for tuition adjustment (accompanied by a doctor’s certificate) may be considered for illness or injury if required absence is more than ten days.

Food and Drink

Eating and drinking is to take place only in designated areas. Open food or drinks are not allowed on the studio dance floor or in dressing rooms. Please feel free to purchase our array of healthy snack items and bottled water from the front desk.

All litter is to be disposed of in available waste containers. Students are expected to cooperate fully with keeping our premises clean and in good repair.


To avoid the possibility of theft, students should leave money, jewelry, or their valuables at home. If theft occurs please report it immediately to the front desk. Lake Arrowhead School of Dance cannot assume responsibility or liability for lost or stolen items.

No Smoking

Smoking is not permitted in the lake Arrowhead School of Dance buildings at any time.

Courtesy and Deportment

All students of Lake Arrowhead School of Dance must be courteous to each other; respectful of other students, faculty and staff, maintain quiet in the studio, and reserve playtime for hours and areas outside of the studio.

Students must direct their full energy to their studies, maintain self-discipline, and provide leadership and a helpful attitude to younger students at all times.

Any instructor, with the artistic director’s consent, reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any student whose attitude, conduct, or attendance is found unsatisfactory.

Dress Code

Ballet Class
Women: pink or white tights, leotard (any solid color), pink ballet slippers.
Men: black tights, white tee shirt, black or white ballet slippers.
All: character shoes and skirts, and pointe shoes as applicable. No sweat pants or plastic pants. Tight fitting leg warmers are permitted at the barre. Jewelry is not allowed.

Unitard, leotard and tights, or bike shorts/leggings and a tee shirt are acceptable (no sweat pants or plastic pants), jazz shoes only (ballet shoes may be worn for the first two – three classes)

Unitard, leotard and tights, leggings, or loose fitting shorts are acceptable, tap shoes only (solid dress shoes may be worn for the first two classes).
Note: Scholarship students are expected to set an example for the rest of the student body by their professional adherence to the dress code.

T-Shirt, Dance Shorts or Loose pants are acceptable. No Street Shoes Allowed. Tennis shoes (used only for dance), dance boots, or jazz shoes only.

Leotard and tights and or Dance shorts

Musical Theater
T-shirt or leotard, Dance Shorts or jazz pants and jazz shoes.
No Street Shoes or Clothing please.